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  • How to Treat Ankle Injuries After Falling on Ice

    It's hard to not slip on ice. Every time winter rolls around, people slip on ice and end up with some kind of injury. In fact, unintentional falling is the leading cause of nonfatal injuries in nearly every age group.

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  • Facebook Live from Philadelphia with HSS Patient Cristi

    Our patient Cristi came to us after severely injuring her leg in a bicycle accident, and is now living life pain-free thanks to Dr. David S. Levine, foot and ankle surgeon. From her home in Philadelphia, Cristi shares her recovery story.

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  • 5th Metatarsal Fractures

    Did you ever get up from a seated position and say “Whoa!” as you realized that all or part of your foot is numb? When you stood, you didn’t realize that your foot wasn’t square to the ground and you roll it….

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  • Shockwave Therapy

    We now offer Shockwave Therapy for a variety of conditions. This is a brief article that summarizes it pretty well. If you have been dealing with plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis for at least 6 months and it is not improving with stretching, give us a call to set up an appointment!

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  • Great Weather for Cycling

    The weather is warming up! Time to dust off that bike. Dr. Levine and the HSS cycling team will be out in the park. Will you?? See what Dr. Levine has to say about it below...

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  • Lace up ankle support braces

    Lace up ankle support braces are useful for many different conditions. We get a lot of patients that get one at their visit, but once they get home they can't remember how to properly put the brace on. Do you think you are wearing it correctly? Check out this video to be sure...

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  • Achilles Tendinitis

    Achilles tendinitis is a difficult problem in the foot and ankle that can really hold an athlete back and even impact activities of daily living. As a New York foot and ankle surgeon we see a lot of people who lead active lifestyles that have developed this problem. Check out this article which gives a nice, simplified explanation of this Achilles condition and, most importantly, the exercises you should be doing to help get yourself on the road to recovery.

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  • Why I Ride with the HSS Cycling Team

    About eight years ago a friend of mine suggested that we start riding bicycles for exercise. As an orthopedic surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery, I was receptive to the idea of maintaining my health, though a bit wary of the possibility of injury while moving so quickly. Little did I know that this was the start of a major transformation in my life.

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  • Tips for Bike Safety

    It’s National Bike Month! Bicycling is a fun way to improve your health. It can be done at a leisurely or fast pace and is easy on the joints compared to high-impact sports.

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  • Ask the Expert: Dr. David Levine, Orthopedic Surgeon, Answers Your Questions About Ankle Fractures

    Q1. I am an active woman in her 20s and recently was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my ankle from breaking in new high heel shoes. I thought stress fractures only occurred in people with bone density issues? Are there other causes?

    Stress fractures occur when bones are subjected to moderate forces that occur either too frequently or for too long. Consider the young gymnast performing too many practice vaults developing a tibia (shin) stress fracture or a runner increasing the length of their marathon training runs developing a metatarsal stress fracture. Alternatively, there may be an abnormality of bone quantity (osteoporosis) or bone quality (osteomalacia). Malalignment conditions, training errors and hormonal abnormalities are among the many additional predisposing conditions.

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  • HSS - East River Professional Building
    523 East 72nd Street, 5th Floor
    New York, NY 10021
  • HSS - Westchester
    1133 Westchester Avenue
    White Plains, NY 10605